In all seriousness, I have many people to thank and acknowledge.
In fact, I'll probably forget some when typing this little note that very few will ever read. Congrats on that by the way! You're a RARE breed, digging into the depths of this site - I'm like you.
It's gets pretty soapy, you have been warned. Thank God for each of these people in my life.
Whoever told you that your personal life and business life don't mix has never worked or they didn't have any friends.
- Kylee E. Rochat - you are my love and rebel of a wasted life. You're also first.
- Cobren J. Rochat - I'm honored to call you brother, and more honored to call you friend.
- Austin L. Church - you help me do and think better.
- Zack Estes - you continue to surprise me. I respect you a great deal.
- Denis A. Rochat - you are the one I respect the most.
- Mary A. Rochat - you might just be an angel, but you're certainly the best mom on this side of heaven.
- Daniel H. Rochat - I want to be more like you.
- Cade Causey - thankful for you.
- Peter Christiansen - you're so easy to talk to.
- Aaron Pool - you're wise and a man of truth.
- Rob Graham - "the cup overflows"
- Mattox Shuler - your fonts are awesome.
- The team at Finsweet - you all rock.
- The team at Relume - you all save me so much time.
- Josh Cantrell - I love our office side chats.
- Maralynn Jacoby - you gave me what I needed to start building websites, you changed the course of my life.
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Ezekiel Rochat
Lead Designer / Owner
The Homepage Blueprint
Do you have a strategy for creating a killer homepage?
Chances are, you’re here because you don’t love your website, especially your homepage. This blueprint will help you answer crucial questions about your website and give you a proven framework for launching an effective homepage quickly—one that will connect with your ideal client.
I’ve also included a bonus to help you actually launch that homepage ASAP. 👀